June 2024


June 2024

❄️ I’m freezing! ❄️ 

And that must mean it’s mid sem break (for those who have it). Congrats to everyone for doing your exams; make sure that you take care of yourselves for this tough period awaiting results x

Read on for some first year placement tips, hand cream recommendations for winter, and PIF highlights.

And a little winter warmer recipe for those of us who live to far from IKEA to drop in for lunch (don’t forget to serve with jam + mash) - https://www.recipetineats.com/swedish-meatballs/

As always we’re always looking for regular and one-off contributions, including anything from research updates to movie recommendations. If you’re really keen and interested in joining fluoro as an editor (would love someone on the ground in Orange) please email [email protected] 😚 

A word from CHARMS

Thanks everyone for responding to our Wellbeing Survey and the AMC report (piss poor effort from clinical students responding to the latter though). We appreciate you!

Support us to support you by letting us know your thoughts and what you want by chatting to us or emailing [email protected] 

And don’t forget, now is literally your last chance to buy your med ball tickets. Don’t miss out.

🍊 From AMSA 🍊 


Do you want to have your voice listened to?

Are you sick of complaining about things never changing?

Well now is your chance to make a meaningful and long-lasting difference.

AMSA is continually working around the clock to bring about worthwhile changes for medical students across Australia.

AMSA is reviewing 6 top-quality policies, which aim to improve the lives of all medical students, but they don’t work unless WE help them!

We’re looking at holding an AMSA Policy Review Forum, where we can put these policies up for discussion and see how it is going to specifically affect us at CSU and what changes we need to make to create the largest benefit for our developing medical school.

Remember, our program is very young and still very much in its formative years, NOW is the time to express what changes we want to make before things become permanent and much more difficult to change – and these policies are a great place to start!!

Need even MORE reasons to sign up??? Helping with policy review can be included as evidence for portfolio!

One less stress to worry about for those pesky portfolio interviews AND helping all medical students across Australia at the same time?? Massive win 🏆️ 

We’ll keep you posted on when the policy review forum will be, most likely the last week of June (week of the 24th), until then, here are the policies that we’ll be looking at in this review period …

Please message Georgia or myself if you are interested in sharing your opinion or having your opinion heard on these policies. We are creating a group chat to make sure everyone is on board.

We have been trying to keep group chats and the normal facebook page clear of AMSA stuff. Please join the facebook group to stay up to date with all things AMSA (con, paid placement, events, updates, etc.) 


  • AMSA Policy Callouts (see above)

  • RMA24 in Darwin, Oct 23-26

  • Women in Rural Health Leadership Conference June 20th

    • presented by RDN in Sydney

    • featuring some of our very own as speakers!

    • regos now open here!

  • RDN Bush Bursary and CWA Scholarships 

    • Applications close July 1st

    • Exciting opportunity for those wanting to work in the country (hopefully all of you)

    • Some of our own students have been a part of this program, reach out to them for insights 🙂 

    • More info here

  • Go Rural #2 South-Western NSW

  • RDN Cadetship

    • Applications for the 2025 intake for the Rural Resident Medical Officer Cadetships will open 8 July and close 29 July 2024.

Year 1 Placement Primer

One crazy semester down!!!!. For those worried about placement, here are some tips for making the most of placement :))

1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make mistakes!

Med school is the time to be as (respectfully) annoying as possible. There are no expectations, so embrace the learning process. Yap away (at the right time of course) and take plenty of pics for the portfolio!

P.S. If you can’t hear something on auscultation, don’t pretend you can…

2. Have a skim through basic examinations and history taking 📚

You probably haven’t had a chance to read Talley and O’Connor’s guide, but having a vague idea of how to ausculate lung fields and the heart are worth it! Especially the correct way to. Put on a stethoscope.

On ED days, chances are you’ll be paired with a patient to do some history taking, so getting comfortable with the basics and steps of ISBAR are definitely worth it!

3. Find time to relax and get to know the area

It’s tempting to google all those questions as soon as you get back, but don’t forget that your wellbeing matters! Become a tourist on the weekend and explore the area, find a cute café or sunbathe at the beach. All that time under artificial light, don’t neglect the daily Vit D!

4. If you need a breather, take one xx

On a final note, everyone's experience is unique, and you may encounter some challenges. If you feel uncomfortable, don't feel pressured to push through. Placement is meant to be fun and a learning opportuunity, so if you're struggling, reach out to someone trusted for support. And as a cohort, support and look out for one another 🫶

Enjoy your break and make the most of your placement!

Siya Garg - MDII

Hand Cream Recs

Just because it’s winter and we’re in healthcare doesn’t mean that we have to suffer through placement with cracked and splitting paws. Here are some of CHARMS’ fav hand creams to keep you feeling silky soft. Bonus points for wearing warm gloves, sunscreening your dorsums and NOT chewing your nails (@me) all whilst remembering the 5 all important moments of hand hygiene.

Rosken Intensive Moisture Hand Cream

“1) On sale for $4.50 at Woolies.

2) Instant relief from that dermatitis itch.

3) Hands took way longer to dry out again after use, and effect of twice daily use seemed to be cumulative. “

“It’s fragrance free, 10 bucks and you only need the tiniest dollop to do the job. Your hands won’t be sticky or slimy after and it comes in small packaging so it will in your bag, pockets even. It’s acc god’s gift from heaven.”

Nivea soft
Smells nice/ makes hands so soft as per the name 🤲 “

“As a kid my hands would dry and peel to the point of bleeding and I’d have to slather them in urea cream and sleep with gloves on. This tube is so unaesthetic but restores my hands quick smart so I don’t have to revisit those horrible memories. Prefer it to Tough Hands. Just work in kit Wonder balm into my cuticles through the day on top. ”

PIF Scholarship - RANZCP Congress

I recently attended the RANZCP National Congress, thanks to the Psychiatry Interest Forum, a government funded initiative to encourage possible future psychiatrists. As a PIF Scholar (there was like 30 of us, but I was a First Nations Scholar too due to the bi-nation focus) I got put up in Canberra for the week, all of my travel paid for, and access to an amazing conference including junior doctor specific programming. I got to meet some amazing peers from across Aus/Aotearoa but also was really sold on psychiatry by all of the meet and greets and cool talks from world leaders in their fields (which varied hugely). There was heaps of chat about the exciting future of psychiatry (aka psychoactives and biomarkers) and we finished up by hitting up Canberra’s finest karaoke bar. Everyone did talk really quietly though, and there were some abhorrent programming choices (iykyk) and several protests throughout.

I highly recommend applying for PIF opportunities, and joining so that you get notified when these pop up. They are really keen to have attendees who are on the fence or considering psych, not just those who are already converted, and the events vary hugely plus they offer lots of resources.

Heidi Annand - MDIV

Check out the work of Jayashri Kulkarni in Women’s Mental Health - mwah chef’s kiss

If you're interested in contributing for next month's edition get in touch with Heidi 💗